Healthy Lifestyles – Information Event
Come and meet the team from Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire and find out about the services they offer.
How to make, change or cancel an appointment
Repeat prescriptions and help with medicines
Self-certification and sick notes for work
Get recent test results and advice on next steps
Register online with our surgery
Advice and guidance, incl. midwife services.
Submit an online query from our library of forms
Advice and signposting to help you self-manage
Travel risk assessment and advice
Come and meet the team from Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire and find out about the services they offer.
Come along on 28th April at 1pm to talk about stress management and learn how to use self-care.
Free information session on 27th February.
On Tue 21st Jan, Sue Ryder and Longfield Hospice representatives will be in the Practice, offering advice and support.
We’re offering a free fitness programme for working age patients with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.
NHS Gloucestershire’s new campaign to reduce medicine waste and inappropriate use.
March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month.
As with any cancer, recognising the symptoms and signs of ovarian cancer is key to early and effective treatment.
Via an NHS account, you can manage appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services.
We want you to have the best possible experience of care. Providing feedback via our Friends & Family Test helps us to improve our services.
Find the service and help you need.